Sunday, December 1, 2013

17 weeks.

17 weeks. Baby is the size of an onion.

1. Listening - to everyone's advice.
2. Eating - small amounts of food every two hours.
3. Wearing - mostly leggings with dresses. Buttons and zippers are not my friends right now. 
4. Feeling - uncomfortable. general nausea. more energy. pregnant.
5. Drinking - lots of water.
6. Seeing - baby websites, a bigger belly, maternity outfits in my future.
7. Craving - nothing :( 
8. Needing - to register. to clean house.
9. Thinking - that I finally look pregnant. lucky. thankful.
10. Enjoying - family holidays. my cousins baby shower. indoor sports (basketball)
Thoughts from a Daddy-to-be
"jokes about pregnancy rarely go well with a pregnant woman"

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