Tuesday, March 18, 2014

34 weeks.

Baby is the size of a pineapple.
Baby weighs 5 pounds.
44 days to go!

1. Listening - to birthing stories/options.
2. Eating - burgers :) 

 3. Wearing - Very few options. flats.
4. Feeling - anxious to meet baby. loved.
5. Drinking - lots of water. FUZE raspberry tea (caffeine free)

6. Seeing - the nursery come together. My parents often.   
7. Craving - burgers. avocado.
8. Needing - patience. to relax.
9. Thinking - about baby names.

10. Enjoying -Neil's over-protection. baby showers. 

This month has gone by beautifully. I feel well. I have had more energy and been very productive. A LOT has been done in the nursery. (I'll post soon). I guess nesting is in full swing. Lots of sewing, cleaning, decorating, and daydreaming going on! We enjoyed two great baby showers this month. They set us up with the largest baby library I have ever known to exist. We are set to bring baby home, so thanks everyone! Our little lucky charm has helped the Bears into the NCAA tournament so we are going to the game in San Antonio this weekend!

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