a stranger were to walk in to my home (without me running around
franticly cleaning), I wonder what they
would think. It would seem that I had a serious obsession with
mustaches, Besides cups, napkins, and plates spread around the house, He
might notice the stickers on the trash can, a closet door, on the seat
of my pants, and in my puppy’s mouth!
would also have to tread carefully to avoid getting stuck to our half
finished floor. Of course he could
ignore, there is a faint smell of paint (I don’t know where its coming
from), and the sound of a running toilet and an lopsided fridge. Our
“guest” bathroom looks like a boy’s bathroom…cause it is. And because I
have not been in there for literally, 3 weeks,
my out-of-sight-out-of-mind mentality has fully kicked in. Our puppy (I
wont name names) is overweight and was put on “weight control” food and
it worked well until he realized that he could steal food from his
brother therefore, reducing the “weight control”
effect. The half sewn curtains in the kitchen are shedding and being
dragged to every room in the house.
“hardy” plants that are un-killable have been killed by my superhuman
power to forget they exist. Laundry
continues to pile up as I sit at work looking around me to find the
source of “that smell” only to realize it is my shirt. Apparently, that
superhuman power extends to the laundry – I let them sit in the dryer too long. What is too long anyways? One day, two
days? Ya, it was probably a week.
his was out he would have to squeeze through the door because of the
volcano of hats, scarves, bags, etc
piling on the hooks behind it. He might certainly giggle at our
mismatched post that has recently been replaced on the back porch and
wonder why there is a random rainbow rug in center. Fear not stranger,
you are almost out. Just get in your car and make your
way hastily down our pebbled road with no pebbles and marvel at our
confused trees (some are in fall and some are in spring). Don’t stop too
close to the gate. You can’t open it but I can but by now I am in the
house totally embarrassed and forgotten to let
you out so you will have to drive back or honk to get my attention. But
whatever you do, DO NOT try to open the gate yourself…Neil takes it
This is what life looks like today. Lots of little stuff gone wrong but a great BIG blessing, nonetheless.
Sounds like you are holding down two full time jobs, Margo. Hope you are just taking a day at a time.