We accidently got to take Reyna to the UTSA - Baylor football game.
Our babysitter (my sister) got stung by a bee and has serious reaction.
We have a cousin and a friend in the UTSA band so we had some guests at the house and we figured this was a good game to try our luck at the toddler football experience.
It was a 7:00 start and the weather was in the low 70s. I figured the conditions were perfect to try.
She did well. We took the shuttle and she was excited about riding the bus.
and got to ride on Papa's shoulders.
We snuck down to the first row and that helped her get excited.
This is my favorite pic of the night!
Here she is looking for Derek in the Line.
(and eating a hotdog)
Just before halftime, we walked all.the.way.around.the.stadium to see Joel and Little Joe.
By this time it was 9:00. We stayed till just after half time and headed home.