Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Memorial Day Camping trip

Reyna went on a long trip with my parents without us!
of course I was more nervous than she was.

I got a few pictures from my sister. There is almost no reception there so these were like gold!

They went south near Garner State Park. We used to go there when we were kids.

She loved the water and stayed in for HOURS! its mostly shallow but she loved every minute of it!
She got home talking about the rocks and the mountain and the games she played!

May Recap.

School has let out for me and today I start the first summer session.
Reyna is in school one more week.
Neil has a one week lull and is back to research tomorrow.
so we packed in a bunch of stuff into May - especially house work.

I went to Escape Rooms with my Women's Group and we made the leader board WITH ONLY ONE CLUE!

I worked on a gallery wall between the front and kitchen.
Still some work to do but I'm liking it so far.

I worked on the teal guest room and added this flag my sister got me for mothers day.
 I found this chair on craigslist in Austin so I ventured out on a day trip only to find the base did not fit in my SUV. So I drove with the hatch up to Pep Boys and asked them to disassemble it for me. I paid them in Starbucks. So worth it!
Found this old bookshelf at my favorite junk store - Laverty's - for just $75!
at last, all the books are off the floor!
 We painted the stair landing and upstairs hallway antique white and while these pictures do no justice, it looks sooo clean!

We hung around the house and played in the pool.

 We tried out gymnasitics and the girl loves it.
Looking into classes now.

We also set up new windows to be put in, Neil worked on landscaping in the front and back, I reorganized lots of cabinets and made about 200 more maps! May has been busy. June is jam packed with fun - just the way I like it!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Reyna turns 3.

Reyna was celebrated 3 times this year!
We celebrated first with Tacos and then with ICE CREAM!
we had a few friends over to the house to have Pokeyo's!
Then we had a party with all her little (second) cousins in San Antonio.


We had a piñata!

Opened presents.


And we played with 12 kiddos! 

This girls is Officially THREE!
And she woke up a three year old too!
She is so smart and getting a little sassy...
She loves PawPatrol and Doc McStuffins. Her favorite book is Giraffes Can't Dance. She eats just about anything but loves pickles, strawberries, and pizza. She is enjoys playing with her trains, school, books, bubbles, her wagon, and the park.
There were no terribles in this two year old but we'll see what 3 brings....