With Thanksgiving on the horizon, we (by we, I mean I) set a goal of completing the dining room just in time for Thanksgiving. And boy did we go down to the last minute. The table and chairs were delivered two days before Thanksgiving!
We started the project about a month ago by painting the walls.
Where it went from this.

to this;
It really lightened up the space and make it look bigger. Because of the length and color, I had to make the curtains but I'm glad I did! I love them and they only cost $22
(lots of coupon stacking happened).
The most obvious issue - besides the mess, was the red chairs.
The color was off. But more than that, the table only allowed for 4 people. We have had up to 11 people at staying at the house at one time so we knew we needed more.
I shopped around for new sofas (another story for another day) and the table and chairs at one time.
They are in the same space so they really needed to match.
We ended up with this table from Home Zone
I really, really love the chairs too! BUT we have a 2 year old!
I went back and forth on these. Ultimately I decided that since these are the chairs we would use EVERYDAY, they probably would not stay white very long. So... we passed on those.
And got these.
They are a bronze color and very durable. It looks like something off of Fixer Upper, huh?
We put them together and voila!
Here is a close-up of the colors.
The most recent addition is the butcher paper roll.
I just put a piece of twine through the roll and hung it on a nail (for now). I think it would look cute on an interesting hook or knob.
I've always like the idea because it satisfies my need for seasonal change ;)
I love my new space!
Neil loves that its done, I'm sure.
Lots of new posts coming soon!