Last year's resolutions went pretty well.
1. Go through P90X - check? I did really well for 60 days then got really sick and stopped.
2. Play guitar - check? I tried teaching myself and learned some church songs then stopped.
3. Save money - check? I thought I did well and made it a point to think twice about random purchases.
Ok, so I am seeing a pattern. I get excited about things, do them, and stop. Also, 2 of those 3 were action oriented. This year, I am trying something new.
1. Use less exaggeration - when I say "that's awesome" I really mean "that's kinda cool". I want to lessen my exaggerations so that when I say "that's amazing!" you know I mean it.
2. Learn Spanish - I'm not sure if this is action oriented but I want to get through Rosetta Stone at work, and utilize the spanish I already know in real conversation (w/ parents, coworkers, clients, etc)
That's all.
My life inventory usually occurs on my birthday, which is almost here, so any life altering goals might happen then.
Hope you find peace in your New Year!