Guess what I did Saturday? I Baylor-d all day.
We started Homecoming with the parade.
All the floats are made by the students.
Then we participated in a new Baylor tradition called 'March of the Bears'. The team is greeted by waiting fans as they step off the bus and head into the stadim.
Quarterback Robert Griffin III
Then we hung around for two hours for the 3:00 game. The game started off great then there was lightning so that resulted in a game delay. There was no rain but they still asked the fans to seek shelter but no one poured! Hard, heavy rains came down. Then all the fans who hadn't moved were stuck! They jumped onto the field to seek shelter, some headed to any overhang they could find. We sat there. We had heard there was rain expected to we (I) came prepared. I brough each of us a cap, windbreakers, and we stopped and bought some rain ponchos. We did not expect them to be so sturdy but once it started raining and everyone was scurrying around us, we realized that were were bone dry and that moving might actually be worse than sitting there. So we did....for 2 hours!! Then, the game started again. It sounded like a good idea at the time.

We had to entertain ourselves for two hours!

It ended well. We won the 6th game this year, making us Bowl eligible for the first time since 1995.
It ended well. We won the 6th game this year, making us Bowl eligible for the first time since 1995.