Welcome to our little home. I wanted to get BEFORE pictures up since we have already started making a few changes. I love decorating. Sometimes I even draw up plans for rooms I dont have. So needless to say, I am loving the decorating process. Three bedrooms, a living, a dinning room, a kitchen, and two bathrooms to spruce up. And thats just the inside!
of course, I try to make a great room for not a lot of money. Niel is VERY kind in letting be do what I want with the place. He is encouraging and very helpful....especially with anything involving height! The only thing he has requested is that I NOT use any animal print.....fair enough! So here is what we have to work with.
This is the Driveway up to our house. Isn't it cute!

see the little house? its there...keep looking.

This is the front of the house. First on the wish list: front porch.

These are the two sheds. Not much to do there.

Living room. Lots to be done there.

Dining room. Whats ours? Just the table. I don't even know where to start!

Master bedroom. right side

Master Bedroom. Left side.
That's all for now. I have not taken any of the bathrooms or the bedrooms. I'll keep you updated on changes as they occur. Its a small place but I hope to add a lot of character.
Until next time, Happy decorating.