
Friday, February 26, 2016

The Craft Gallery.

I have always, as long as I can remember, wanted to have a fabric/craft store. 
I ran across a bucketlist from middle school and among "Design a pair of basketball shoes" and "Own a WNBA team", was also listed "Own a craft store".

Etsy really has allowed a lot of people to do that and I have had a successful one for a few years now.

But Waco offers LOTS of small business opportunities. 
I finally decided to rent a small booth at a place called The Craft Gallery. They specialize in  homemade gifts and decor. Its a small place and my booth is one of many but still, its mine! 
There is something so satisfying to me about having tangible items in a brick and mortar place. 

The booth is only 4 feet wide and 3 feet deep. 

You rent the booth monthly and they manage the property and sales for you. 
I don't actually "work" there. I just go in and refill the display! 
Its open Mon-Sat from 10a-6p.

The hardest part was creating enough inventory to fill the space. I spent the last couple of months making a few different items - blankets, pillows, crowns, dream catchers, hoop art. I put them all out yesterday. 

( I have plans for a bench there at the bottom to put the pillows in and my store 
name with go at the top)

By putting a few different types of items, I can see what sticks. What people buy more of and restock those items. I will say, my booth is one of the most colorful ones so hopefully that draws people in. 

Wish me luck!

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