
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

BOUNCE Summer Camp

It has been awhile but here is a bit about how I spent my summer....
BOUNCE is an evidence based camp for middle school girls that focuses on fitness, nutrition, and self esteem. This is our 2nd year having it and it is a great camp. Middle school girls are targeted because they are at an age where they can start to make their own decisions regarding health. Camp is Mon - Fri from 8:00-1:00pm for 4 weeks!

Yes, it is tiring, exhausting, and lots of fun. Just in case you are wondering, here are some of the things we do to entertain the girls.

- Visits to the YMCA twice a week
- Kayaking
- Hiking
- Zumba
- Turbo Kick
- Water Aerobics (yes..with the old folks :)...they loved having us)
- Hip Hop class (instructor: Kelly Talley, Dallas Cowboys Hip Hop Dancer and Baylor Cheer Coach)
- Cooking Classes 3X a week
- scrapbooking
- Baylor Challenge Course (think walking a course 35 feet in the air strapped to a harnest)
- HEB Scavenger Hunt
- Basketball Skills Camp
- Lots of Fun!!

It takes sooo much energy to be "with them" and keep them entertained but when you see the progress and increase in knowledge, it does make me smile inside (and out).

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