
Monday, December 20, 2010

Keeping it Simple

I must admit, I think I went overboard on presents this year. I just could not stop buying those cute, unique, thats-so-meg, gifts. It didn't help that we bought 90% of all our gifts online! When you don't actually see them, its like they don't exist. Once I realized that I went overboard, I had to cut back. Some call it being frugal. Some call it being cheap. I like to call it being crafty.

I decided not to buy wrapping paper and all the fun embellishments that I have grown accustomed to. If you haven't heard, gift wrapping is a favorite past time. So I went simple this year. I used most of what I already had. Most wrapping paper comes in rolls of 15-30 square feet. But did you know, packaging wrap comes in 50 square feet and it was $1.00. Can't beat that! So I wrapped em up and thus began the creative process.

Using Christmas colored tissue paper, I was able to create fun, frugal, festive embellishments.
My favorite is the white rosette on Janel's gift!

1 comment:

  1. Margo, these packages look great ! You are so artistic !! They look better than anything under our tree. Love, Grandma B.
