
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Kitchen Wish List

I am falling in love with my kitchen more and more everyday.
Especially because its a big DIY project.
We (I) fix it up when we can, but there are still those small details.

It seems like I have changed everything but the kitchen sink....
but I would if I could.
I have always dreamed of a farmhouse kitchen sink.

I try to take things too seriously.
A little bit of whimsy never hurt anyone, right?
This might look like any old fork, but its 4 FEET TALL!
I'm not sure where it would go but its too cute.

If you change the sink, it only makes sense to change the faucet, right?
Well, ours is very shallow. So a nice, vintage tall faucet would be nice :)

I already have this one, but it was on my wish list before. I just thought that it was very cafe-ish. I got it at IKEA.

I know, I know, I don't need these things and life will go on without them.
Its just fun to play with ideas :)

1 comment:

  1. A nice kitchen is on every wife's dream list !! After all ,that is where we spend most of our time. I hope your dreams will some day be fulfilled. I like the faucet ! Grandma B.
