
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Teams of Tomorrow.

 Reyna's school does a TOTs program. Its an educational basketball skills program.
In the classroom they learn about shapes and get some exercise. They have a few options to perform their skills. We chose the Men's Baylor Basketball game - obviously. ;)

The whole experience was daunting - for us.
She was a champ.
There were SO many kids crying at drop off. Kids confused and scared and rightly so. It was loud and chaotic! But she walked right in with a smile on her face.

Here are some things I learned about this kid:
- she is brave
- she likes being a leader
- she recognizes her strengths and weaknesses
- she is very obedient
- she tries hard
- she seems to have a stress resistant personality (like her momma!)
- she understands goal setting

She was so excited to perform for us. She did admit to me at dinner that she can't dribble very good. "it's hard". I told her (again) that "We can do HARD things in this family". So we talked about stopping and trying again. and practicing if she wants to get better and that when you practice, things that are hard get easier. She seemed to understand that trying is what matters.

When I dropped her off at her door, she turned and said "My best is the best for me, right Mama?"
Yes! It is, girl! Daniel Tiger talks about not comparing ourselves to others and that your best is just that - YOUR best. Obviously motherhood has made me more emotional 'cause I had to fight back tears on that one. lol What really surprised me is that she understood when the appropriate time to use that phrase was. That was not something we had talked about for a few days.

So she trotted out as the line leader and followed directions to a T!
Afterwards, she said "I CAN do hard things"!
(insert tears here)
She was very proud of herself and so were we.

We even got to see Bruiser and she was on cloud nine!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

valentines day 2017.

This Valentine's Day was a blur.
Nothing special happened but its fun to see her learn about celebrations and get excited!

her Papa left a Valentine surprise at her breakfast spot.

 We went to school in our Jesus Said Love shirt with our silliest faces on!
The day before, we stopped at a mural for a quick picture with a True Love of mine!

Of course school sent home lots of goodies that we are rationing.
She has swim lessons which she LOVES, too!
I am so grateful for all the phone calls, Facetimes, and letters send to her too!
She felt especially loved today.
She thanked God for her heart to feel love last night.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Hallway Touch Ups.

This hallway is at the top of our stairs. It has 6 doors in it! We pass by it at least 10 times a day.
There are no windows and the lighting is really sparse.
I decided to see what a little paint can do. I went with Sherwin Williams Austere Gray.
Although the lighting in these pictures is poor, I love the color!
I painted the lower half the color of the trimwork - Antique White.
The picture is special to us. A friend painted it and its the church we married in.
The vases are from Magnolia.
I hope to add a small bench and maybe a rug in the future.
I love the new space and it makes me smile every time I walk by!
It's the little things after all!

Friday, February 3, 2017

Bumble bee tuna.

Reyna has been asking for swimming lessons for months! Well, actually she said she could teach herself...but...we signed her up anyway.
She was excited the moment she woke up. She wanted to wear her swimsuit to school!
She is so adorable in her little bumble bee suit.
 Then she had to wait patiently through orientation...

The girl is NOT scared one bit. She wanted more swim time.
 Kicking her little legs.
 Look how happy she is!

 Blowing bubbles.
 ice cream scoop hands!
 She swam back and forth on this noodle with no help by the end of the day.
We love that she loves it and hope to keep her in classes more consistently.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Bye-Bye January.

Lots of little things going on in January.
I decided to "fix up the upstairs hallway. The light and the paint just make it feel nasty. I'm not done yet because it took me a week to figure out the right color and painting occurs on random nights I can't sleep sooo ... it might be awhile.

 We have been struggling with some medial issues (that she will not appreciate me telling the world about) so we had a difficult doctors appointment and treated ourselves with these!
 My maps are doing really well at the Craft Gallery and I was featured in their ad in a local magazine.

 January weather has been pretty great. Even on cold days (55 degrees) its sunny out and we play at the park with friends.
 This is globe! Its a touch lamp. she loves it. it broke. its in the shop.

 We got a fence! Its amazing and beautiful!
She reads to us constantly. Even in the middle of basketball games.
 "Little Flicker" is on repeat these days.
 Barnes & Noble is her happy place. She could literally be there for hours. Sometimes we let her.
Its like the library but better because there are snacks (starbucks) there.

 She transitioned into a big girl bed.
Its worked out great!
 Curious George goes to the zoo. She wanted him to see the Elephants.