
Friday, January 30, 2015

Second Year Review.

Yesterday I had my second year review for work (#dreamjob).
This involved putting together a notebook with evaluations, teaching philospohy, peer reviews, etc.
The second part was putting together a presentation for faculty. Any faculty can attend but only tenured have a vote. Yup. this is an old fashioned vote to keep you or cut you .
You can see how this might be nerve wrecking.

But when your review presentation begins with the department chair leading everyone in prayer, a prayer that encourages and lifts you up, you know you are at a good place.

Sunday Encouragement: Candles {2.9.14} - Landee See Landee Do

I am so very thankful for a community of believers that truly wants to see you (and the program) succeed. The lack of competition. The presence of never ending mentors. The inclusion of family. I know, especially in academia, this unique.

I'll know something by the end of February.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Finding her Legs.

So this is happening!

She's finding her legs!
She is pulling up on the sofa, in her crib, and she tires to climb us!