
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 in Review.

Here is to looking back at the blessings and adventures in 2013.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Baby, its cold outside.

The snow is so beautiful this year. I had another White Christmas and even played in the snow some.
We got Lewie in the snow and he seemed to love. it!


Snowball to the face.

Friday, December 27, 2013

22 Weeks.

Baby is the size of a spaghetti squash.
 8 in. 1.5 lbs.

1. Listening - to Neil read to baby every night.
2. Eating - normally! regular portions with no aversions! Good home cooking.
3. Wearing - my first pair of maternity pants.
4. Feeling - lucky.  blessed. some backaches.
5. Drinking - cranberry juice
6. Seeing - baby gifts :) snow!! bigger belly.
7. Craving - nothing :( 
8. Needing - to start working on lessons.
9. Thinking - the 12 hour car ride to Iowa was not bad. the snow is beautiful. Baby will know snow!
10. Enjoying - family. snow.relaxation.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

2013 Christmas Card.

Christmas is just around the corner! It kinda snuck up on me. 
As is our tradition, we send a Christmas card out to all our family and friends. 
See 2012 and 2011 here.
Once they have been received, I like to post it for all our online friends and family. 

 So from our growing family to yours, Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Nursery Ideas.

If you know me, you know I enjoy decorating. Of course, I have been thinking about decorating the little nursery a lot recently. I played with a couple of themes and color schemes. Considering that it has to be gender neutral, I am pretty happy with what I have come up with. 

I just searched Pinterest for a couple of hours and found a few ideas. 
I decided on "oh, the places you'll go" as a theme. This was we could include some of our travels. 
I already have a couple of these items but plan to DIY most of the rest.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Halfway There.

I have officially reached the halfway mark! 
At 20 weeks, I feel like it has been a long journey but when I look ahead, it seems like 5 months is just around the corner. I feel like I have past the nausea-induced-coma stage and am feeling much better. I even went baby shopping the other a real store...with real people!
 If I'm being honest, I am finally starting to get super excited and giddy. For awhile there I thought it was never gonna end. My belly is getting bigger and I am being super attentive so I might finally feel some movement. It hasn't happened yet but I just know its gonna happen soon! 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Case Closed.

This weekend was the last Baylor game at Floyd Casey Stadium (#CaseClosed). The opponent was the University of Texas. A Big 12 Championship, the first 11 win season ever, and the first BCS bowl bid were on the line. It was a sold out crowd. Largest in Baylor history. Not even the 25 degree weather could keep us out. 

I bought Neil this ridiculously big coat! ) He never brought a real one down from Iowa. Your welcome.



We are glad to be able to tell Baby Bear that he/she was there too!


 At the end of the game there was a very good closing ceremony. To close out the stadium, they had representatives from every generation, Art Briles, and Ken Starr each turn off one of the lights. One by one the stadium lights were turned off.

All that was left at the end was the glowing of the scoreboard with "Big 12 Champions". 
It was a great way to go out. We are excited to start a new season next year in our new stadium!


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Love at first sight.

We had a doctor's appointment yesterday. First, let me say how thankful and blessed I am that Neil has been able to make it to every appointment! He brings so much excitement and enthusiasm to the room. We also have hilarious medical conversations there!!

I had been anticipating this appointment because I knew we would get to see our baby for the first time! For the sake of keeping it real, I have to say, I worried that I was not feeding baby well enough. On top of that, I have not felt movement yet so I was getting worried. (The wonderful daddy even looked up devices that you could buy online to hear the heartbeat at home just so I could have some piece of mind.) Maybe its just first-time-mom syndrome. I am so grateful to say that everything looked healthy!

Baby weights about 10 oz. and is 19.4 cm long! That's right on track.
Ultrasounds are amazing! They even showed us 4D pictures..that was crazy!
We could see the long bones of the arms and legs, the spine, and the feet!

We also had the chance to find out if its a boy or a girl. We are happy to announce...







We decided not find out. We decided this months ago but as we were driving over there, Neil said that he wanted to find out. He almost convinced me....
He wants a boy and I think its a girl. We will have to wait and see.

It took awhile to get baby into a good position, but here is Baby Bear's first photo!

Look at that little nose....

We are in love already.


Wow, that went fast. I only have a few days left in the semester!
We spent Thanksgiving at my sister's house.
Apparently its a tradition to host after you get married. I did and now its her turn. I think it's a great way to use all your wedding gifts! And boy did she!

It went great! We had a deep fried turkey, all the sides, and just the right desserts.
She got the house together and it looked so cute!


Most of all, we got to spend really quality time with each other. I love large family gatherings but that means we have to split our attention. We also brought Grandma Reyna along. What a blessing to talk with her. Getting to know her joys and passions is so refreshing. I enjoy her humor and her excitement for life. So much of who I am is passed down from her. I could go on for days but I'll save that for another post one day.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

17 weeks.

17 weeks. Baby is the size of an onion.

1. Listening - to everyone's advice.
2. Eating - small amounts of food every two hours.
3. Wearing - mostly leggings with dresses. Buttons and zippers are not my friends right now. 
4. Feeling - uncomfortable. general nausea. more energy. pregnant.
5. Drinking - lots of water.
6. Seeing - baby websites, a bigger belly, maternity outfits in my future.
7. Craving - nothing :( 
8. Needing - to register. to clean house.
9. Thinking - that I finally look pregnant. lucky. thankful.
10. Enjoying - family holidays. my cousins baby shower. indoor sports (basketball)
Thoughts from a Daddy-to-be
"jokes about pregnancy rarely go well with a pregnant woman"