
Monday, June 24, 2013

Thailand Day 3

On Day 3 we started with a temple tour on a longboat.
 First stop wat Wat Arun.


The bout took us on a tour of the canal where many temples were posted. It was a great tour of Bangkok living.


We then stopped at Wat Po.
This was my favorite spot so far. It was not really on any tourist maps but it should be.
If felt like a Disney World or Dr. Suess World.
There was beauty everywhere.

Unfortuneately, thats as far as the pictures take us....
We had a mishap with our memory card. I cannot access any pictures but we will try to fix it.
At Wat Po there was a massive reclining Buddah about 60 feet tall and 120 feet wide!
After that, we went to the Grand Palace where the King and Queen used to live. Hopefully, we can retrieve those.
We are now in Phuket at a beautiful resort with a private beach. Too nice for us!  I will post pictures of it as soon as I can.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Thailand Day 2: A Foodie's Dream

Unlike yesterday we started the day VERY quickly. We woke up way too early and could not go back to sleep so we decided to take a walk around our hotel. We came upon some great places.

We also read the Bangkok Post which is in English. Most everything has an English translation on it. Very convenient!

They also follow the NBA and this was in their paper.....sad.
At least he looks foolish.
More on American influence later. Hint: There's a lot of it.
After being up for hours we made the early class at Silom Thai Cooking School.
It was great! I will tell more about it later but for now, take a look around.
 This was our teacher. Great at his job! More later.
 This fruit is interesting in taste and texture. Apparently is smells AWFUL! So much so that many hotels, stores, and even taxis have stickers forbidding it!

Once at the school, we prepared 5 courses (and ate the all)!
 I will put up recipes and more details about it later. This cooking class deserves a post of it's own!
Here we are making coconut milk!


 Afterwards, we walked down the road looking for a taxi and ran into an art gallery.
It was VERY unique but that's not to say it was bad. It was really good!
Passed through Chinatown on our way to the zoo. 
It was a small zoo but beautiful and very inexpensive.
This little meerkat reminded me of Rexx :(

We had another adventure on the way back but we made it home after a 2.5 mile walk. At least we missed the rain that came pouring down literally, as soon as we got to the hotel.
Tomorrow is tourist attraction day. We will visit The Grand Palace and Wat Arun.
Stay tuned and thanks for travelling with us!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Thailand Day 1.

We stared our day off slow. I woke up ready to take on Thailand at 5AM. Neil, not so much.
However, he did find a way for me to watch the Spurs at 8AM! Womp. Womp.

Because I am on vacation there will be few words and lots of pictures. Enjoy!

Some of our first sights:


 Our hotel:

Our adventures:



 Cooking School and the zoo are scheduled for tomorrow!