
Friday, April 26, 2013


Timing is everything, right?

I mentioned timing in an earlier post because it has been on my mind.
To have faith is to trust in God's timing. 
Our lives right now are a testament to this truth and I want to share it. 
In prayer, I have asked God for many things. 
A less stressful job for Neil. 
Time to see the world. 
New relationships. 
Renewed relationships.
A community of faith. 
A time of rejuvenation.

Little did I know that all these prayers would be answered in one month.

God's timing is in everything! I love the human body cause I am in awe every time I study it. 
Every second, the body creates new cells, new blood, and new breath. Millions of interactions occur simultaneously to ensure life. 

Why then am I always surprised at the perfection of God's timing in my life?

With huge changes on the horizon, it is easy to get overwhelmed but WAITING FOR HIS ANSWERS, will allow me to REJOICE IN HIS GOODNESS.
The beginning of new jobs, start and end dates of travel plans, fellowship funding, the first and last paychecks, long term house guests, and random gifts are only some of the tangibles that are making these changes possible. 
There is nothing like the freedom of Trust in His timing.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

An opportunity to see D.C.

My husband is an awesome teacher. 
I know everyone says that about their spouses so I guess that my not be saying much. 
But he is passionate in ways that you hope your kid's teachers are. He works late, goes the extra mile, cares about the future of kids that may not believe they even have one. He is dedicated to social justice and never points fingers.
He is intelligent and innovative in the in classroom. 

He was asked to participate in a fellowship in Washington D.C last summer. The timing didn't seem right so he turned it down. Well, he was asked again this year and this time, the timing is perfect!

He will spend 5 weeks working with the iCivics program with Sandra Day O'Connor and I get to go with him! I don't know what I will be doing, but I'm sure it will be fun :)

Looks like this is going to be a fun summer!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

My new J-O-B.

Since all the most important and necessary people in my life know, I am glad to finally make public that I have accepted a new position as a full time lecturer at Baylor University! As you might know, I love Baylor, so this is like a dream come true.

 I will be teaching various health classes. The first semester is Stress Management and Death and Dying, both of which I am so excited to be teaching! I am looking forward to being on campus again. The department I will be in is the same one that I spent doing by Masters Degree in. I now get to work with the same professors that mentored me as a student.

The interview was long (2 full days) and interesting but it gives me confidence that the University is grounded in its mission and provides full support to its faculty. I start in August but will stop my current job in the middle of June (more on that later). 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Birthday Boys.

We got to spend the weekend celebrating birthdays! That means, lots of fun, food, and family.
We went to dinner Friday night and started Saturday by going to the Farmer's Market.

With lots of food vendors to choose from, we chose tamales! They were good and much healthier than traditional tamales.
The weather was beautiful so we went for a walk down the river. 
We walked to a small Art Fair and enjoyed the scenic route. We saw ducks, paddleboarders, and some of Waco's landmarks.

 We went shopping until it was time for the Baseball game. We got to see Isaiah Austin throw out the first pitch.
We had Dad's birthday dinner at Heitmiller Steakhouse.
Sunday we went to church and then Neil's choice of birthday lunch...Domino's Pizza followed by ice cream cake.
Another Birthday boy opened gifts.

It was a great weekend celebrating great men in my life!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


I know its a little late but I just wanted to share our Easter. We met at my Grandma's house and filled her backyard with food, family, and fun! 

It's always nice to see cousins and aunts and especially the littlest, newest members. They always seem to have grown leaps and bounds every time we see them. Like little Evan.

The food was AMAZING!! Not traditional mexican food but prepared by my uncles, so I guess its still Mexican food....? Anyways, here is some of the spread.

The fajitas, vegetables, and fish were seasoned with Julio's seasoning and grilled to perfection. And of course the rice made by grandma was the best! I gotta get that recipe!

As usual, we take casarones pretty seriously around here.

It's fun to explain to the little ones "yes, you can smash it on his/her head". "No, you don't have to ask". "You can even get the adults and they won't even get mad". 
We do have some rules: 1. break it in your hand, not on the head. 2. stay away from food.
When my little cousin got cracked on, he was upset because "i have easter in my hair" :)

Beautiful Day. Beautiful weather. Beautiful family.